Our Approach

A clear and achievable path to shared success

GRP is a next generation legal assets platform that holds itself to a higher standard in the unregulated litigation finance market.

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Attentive Advice - Our cornerstone is client service.

With decades of combined experience, client service is sacrosanct to GRP. We take care to onboard our clients’ requirements thoughtfully, and offer considered advice based on meticulous diligence, candour, and coherent communication. Our goal is long-term relationships built for achieving our client’s goals.

Access - Bespoke and intelligent capital provision.

GRP’s quality capital meets the needs of the complex and fast moving legal finance world. Our capital is:

  • Flexible in structure and specifically tailored to our clients’ needs

  • Dependably available without delay

  • Scalable and well-suited to large transactions.

Alignment - Fully aligned financing solutions.

GRP values true alignment of interests with its clients grounded in trust and transparency from the outset. We deploy equitable success models across our funding structures that incentivise all stakeholders. There is always a level of shared return for our clients, even when recovery falls below expectations.

Agility - Flexible and rapid deployment - free from bureaucratic hurdles.

GRP appreciates that litigation assets are unique and rarely follow a linear path. We are nimble throughout all stages of the finance process, pairing committed capability with long-term support.