The GRP Process

Working in alignment from the outset

GRP prides itself on a predictable, efficient, and transparent client experience. Here’s what to expect:


1 - Assessment & NDA

You provide us with initial information about your legal assets. To facilitate further information flow and to protect confidentiality, we execute a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).

2 - Deal Structuring & Term Sheet

We work closely with you to understand the details of your financing needs and the legal assets. We recommend a tailored financial solution, the basic economics of which are embodied in a term sheet.

3 - Advanced Due Diligence

We undertake an in-depth but targeted review of the legal assets.

4 - Panel Engagement

Using our backgrounds, market awareness, and panel of experts, we engage with our co-funding partners best-suited to your investment opportunity.

5 - Deal Documentation

The final agreement terms are put forward in a funding agreement aimed at providing comfort to our clients. Clear terms, no surprises.

6 - Post-Deal

We will stay in touch with you as the legal assets progress, offering strategic assistance where requested.